Monday 8 July 2013

Branding 101

When a company succeeds in the working environment it is most likely because it has been well branded. Branding can be defined as "as a name, logo, slogan and/or design scheme associated with a product or service" and brand management is "the application of marketing techniques to a specific product" (Wikipedia).

Companies like Coca Cola are a quintessential example of good branding. Cola Cola is arguably the most recognizable brand in the world as it appeals to the young and old. The company has even been honored with the Cannes Creative Marketer of the Year Award for 2013.

With successful branding a company gets prospective customers to see it providing the only solution to their problem e.g. when you are thirsty and within close proximity to a shop you automatically think about buying Coca Cola. the company has embedded itself in the consumers minds as a thirst quencher.

When you brand a product you are also giving it a personality, which is like assigning human characteristics to it e.g. loving, caring, exciting etc. This makes a product easily receivables to consumers. The design aspect   is also important as it forms the foundation and makes the product distinct from its competitors. The main types of brand personalities are as follows.

1. Excitement
2. Sincerity
3. Ruggedness
4. Competence
5. Sophistication

Coca Cola fits into the excitement category as it presents itself as young, carefree and spirited. I used Coca Cola to explain the key elements of branding as i understand them because just about everyone has come across their beverages and is familiar with their marketing.

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