Wednesday 2 October 2013

Brand Brazil

Brand Brazil is one which has recently emerged as a top player in the nation brands. The Country is the world’s 5th biggest online market, a fact which comes as no surprise since the country has a lot of buying power when it comes to digital media. This can be attributed to the fact that in 2007 the Mayor of Sao Paulo Gilberto Kassab banned all forms of outdoor advertising in the city, which happens to be Brazil’s largest city and the world’s 7th most populous. This all happened after the Clean City Law was passed to the disappointment of many brands.

Another major boost that the country’s brand is that it will be playing host to two of the world largest sporting events consecutively, the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics. Successfully hosting these two events should do wonders the increasing the country's Soft Power and moving it up the ranks on the Nation Brand Index.

 Figure 1: Brand Brazil logo

Brazil’s brand logo speaks volumes about the country and its values. The logo is fun and vibrant with flowing secular lines which communicate happiness. It is also very colourful, looks friendly and inviting. The logo in essence also reflects the countries key attractions; the beaches of Bahia, the beautiful Amazon forest and the countries playful culture exemplified by the mammoth festivals held there annually e.g. Carvanal in Salvador, Reveillion party on Rio’s Copacabana beach, Belem festival on the River Amazon etc. Even the logos created for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games look like brand extensions of the nation’s logo, which for me is a feat on its own. I like how they look different to each other and relevant to their own cause, but they can still be traced back to the same family with their aesthetic and emotional appeal.

Figure 2: 2014 FIFA World Cup Logo.

 Figure 3: 2016 Olympic games.

In my opinion Brazil is one of the most well branded countries in the world as their brand identity speaks of who they are and communicates what we have come to know about them. They are a colourful, fun, loving and happy people. I’d like to know what you think of Brazil’s branding and extension thereof. Is it checking all the branding boxes for you?


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