Wednesday 16 October 2013

Brand Canada

I was looking at the NBI (Nation Brand Index) recently and something on the list jumped at me, Canada is rated as having the second best nation brand in the world. It even surpasses arguably the most well known country in the world, America, which now sits at number eight on the list. This was kind of weird to me as I have known Canada to be the subject of a lot of degrading jokes in a string of American films and TV series. Anyway back to the Canadian brand and what makes it tick. Canada’s image got reworked back in 2004 by CTC (Canadian Tourism Commission) in order to change the outdated perception people had about it. The brand’s logo is basically a stylised version of the leaf found on the Canadian flag. Them using the leaf as their symbol makes perfect sense to me as it is what comes to mind when someone mentions Canada to me. The catchphrase they went with is “keep exploring”, this phrase ties in with their brand’s selling points perfectly.

The Canadian brand has five selling points which it emphasises in its marketing campaign in order to appeal to a domestic and international audience. These selling points are:

1.       Vibrant cities on the edge of nature
2.       Personal journeys by land, water, air.
3.       Active adventure among awe-inspiring natural wonders.
4.       Award winning Canadian local cuisine.
5.       Connecting with Canadians.

Although they are nothing new (even they admitted it on their website), the angle at which they are marketing them is refreshing. This leads me to think that if the Canadian brand can be ranked second on the list after only nine years of having established itself, bear in mind that it wasn't even on the top ten list when the NBI started out in 2005, then why can’t South Africa do the same? Especially after knowing that South Africa had a two year head start on Canada with Brand S.A. being in business since early 2002. I would love to hear your thoughts on Canada taking the second spot on the list, are you as shocked as I was?


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